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The first mark of conscious leaders is self-awareness and the ability to tell themselves the truth. It matters far more that leaders can accurately determine whether they are above or below the line in any moment than where they actually are. Distortion and denial are cornerstone traits of unconscious leaders.

When working with leaders, use the tool of feedback. Gather lots of data from multiple sources and give leaders feedback about how they are seen in the world and about how they appear to be wired at a personality level. Leader after leader will interpret this direct feedback as a threat to their identity and go below the line. It is a natural reaction.

For this reason, knowing when you are below the line is more important than being below the line. Leaders are in real trouble when they are below the line (closed, defensive and committed to being right and keeping their ego alive) and think they are above it. This leadership blindness is rampant in the business world.

Why is it so important to be above the line?

Creativity, innovation and collaboration (all keys to high-level problem solving) occur best when we operate above the line. In fact, they don't occur at all below the line, where it is necessary to be if your physical well-being is threatened and you need to fight, flee, freeze, or faint. In such a situation, survival trumps high-level problem solving, creativity and collaboration. Most leaders work in environments in which creative problem solving is necessary for winning, but this is available only when leaders lead from above the line.

Knowing who you are and what you are meant to do gives you the energy to transform your life.

By completing one or more confidential self-assessments, such as DISC, Team Management Profile or, the exclusive to PINNACLE Business Solutions, PX-12 Performance Coaching Profiler, in the area of personal or professional concern, you may discover a number of things about yourself.

Knowing how you impact others can establish solid beginnings for developing productive relationships. Assessments can provide information to you on "Who am I?", "How others see me?" and "How do I relate to others?"

Because when we are unaware, we unconsciously engage our default behaviour. Only when we become aware of who we are and how others see us are we able to change our behaviour.

Sometimes, just being aware, allows the problem to solve us - rather than requiring us to solve the problem.

With thanks to Coach 2 Coach e-newsletter and "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership"

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