How do senior leaders, in their own words, describe the most effective leaders - the ones that get results, grow the business, enhance the culture, and leave in their wake a trail of other really effective leaders?
After surveying more than one million leaders worldwide, co-authors Robert J. Anderson and William A. Adams have drawn on their research to define leadership that works, in their upcoming book Scaling Leadership.
Analysing over 1,350 pages of written comments about leaders' strengths, skills, and challenges, Anderson and Adams' research team sorted the data into 77 categories of the most commonly mentioned themes comprised of 40 leadership strengths and 37 leadership liabilities.
With decades of experience enhancing leadership skills with clients ranging from Fortune 100, multi-national corporations to fast growth start-ups, the authors provide an innovative and efficient framework to help leaders.
This book, based on ground-breaking research, shows how senior leaders describe and develop leadership that works, that does not, that scales, and that limits scale.
Is your leadership built for scale as you advance in today’s volatile, uncertain, dynamic, and disruptive business environment? This context puts a premium on a very particular kind of leadership - High-Creative leadership capable of rapidly growing the organisation while simultaneously transforming it into more agile, innovative, adaptive and engaging workplace. The research presented in this book suggests that senior leaders can describe the High-Creative leadership with surprising clarity. They also describe with equal precision the High-Reactive leadership that cancels itself out and seriously limits scale. Which type of leader are you?
You scale your leadership by increasing the multiple on your leadership in three ways.
1. First, by developing the strengths that differentiate the most effective leaders from the strengths deployed by the most Reactive and ineffective leaders.
2. And second, by increasing your leadership ratio - the ratio of most the effective strengths to the most damaging liabilities.
3. Third, by developing High-Creative leaders all around you.
Scaling Leadership provides a proven framework for magnifying agile and scalable leadership in your business. Scalable leadership drives forward-momentum by multiplying high-achieving leaders at scale so that growth, productivity and innovation increase exponentially.
Creative leaders multiply their strengths beyond technical competence by leading in deep relationship, with radical humanity, passion and integrity.
Drawing upon decades of solid research and experience enhancing individual capability and collective leadership effectiveness with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, the authors provide an innovative and efficient framework to help you:
• Take stock of your own personal balance of leadership strengths and weaknesses,
• Scale your leadership in deep relationship and high integrity,
• Proliferate high-achievers throughout your organisation’s leadership system,
• Identify ineffective leadership and course-correct quickly, and
• Transform your organisation by transforming leadership.
Scaling Leadership is an invaluable tool for executives, managers, and leaders in business, academia, not-for-profit organisations, and more. This innovative resource provides effective techniques, real-world examples, and expert guidance for organisations seeking to improve performance, align and execute strategies, and transform their business with scalable leadership capability.
Reference: Scaling Leadership: Robert J. Anderson and William A. Adams “Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most” To be released January 30 2019.